Luminesse Laser w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLuminesse Laser



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4056, Amboy Road, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-682-2482
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5491356, Longitude: -74.1518949

komentarze 5

  • en

    Katie Morali


    I absolutely love this place. The staff makes you feel comfortable. They are informative and accommodating. Do not hesitate. Definitely book ASAP. One of the best places I’ve found. I always leave happy.

  • Luisa Battimelli

    Luisa Battimelli


    Nicole is an absolute doll! She’s professional, sweet and knows what she’s doing. Her place is nice and clean, very bright and inviting. If you’re looking for great laser hair removal I highly recommend Nicole and her place of business at Luminesse Laser. Very happy with my results! Thank you!

  • en

    Ariana Galante


    I got my full legs and bikini line done, and Jamie was AMAZING. She talked me through the whole thing and is so friendly. She made my experience 10x better. I can’t wait to get my next session and I’m happy it’s with her.

  • en

    Felicia Finnegan


    I just had my second laser hair removal appointment for my full face and I am so happy that a friend recommended Luminesse Laser to me. After the first session I saw a dramatic decrease in hair growth and I am totally looking forward to doing basically every area that they offer lol :) The staff is very friendly and informative. The office is very clean and well decorated. Nicole (the owner) has done both of my sessions and she’s so sweet. She truly likes to see her customers happy. I also like that they offer special pricing a few times a year and they definitely don’t try to overprice their services. Overall I am completely happy and would recommend them to anyone! Thank you Luminesse!

  • en

    louisa kaye


    I am so happy with the results that words can not describe. Everyone and I mean everyone is supper nice and caring. They take time to make sure your all good and you feel good. I would recommend everyone to try the best experience I’ve experienced. Try them I promise you won’t regret it. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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