Great Clips en Fort Worth

Estados UnidosGreat Clips



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12584, North Beach Street, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-741-4444
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9557156, Longitude: -97.2791304

comentarios 5

  • Misty Moncrief

    Misty Moncrief


    Great clips has always been my place to get haircuts. No matter which location I visit, tje staff are always friendly. It really helps to keep the notes about my cut on their system. I recommend the online check in, otherwise you're likely to be waiting for some time.

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    robb raider


    I liked this place, but twice when I signed up on the app, I got there and my check in wasn't on their screen. One time I waited 30 minutes, check my app regularly for updates. With 5 minutes left I got there. When I check the screen, my name was gone from the screen. There was an hour wait when I went to try to sign up again. This was the second time this happened and I was done with the place. The people who work there are really nice and very helpful. Real clean place too.

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    Richard Osborn


    Pretty good cuts, although I have a very basic hairstyle, so I couldn't tell you about advance skill.

  • audrey Schwiedop

    audrey Schwiedop


    Never been happier, Wayne ( hope i remebered that correctly but hes the only male there ) was great with my daughter and gave her exactly what she wanted despite the other hair dressers going threw 3 boys hair cuts to his one with my kiddo he never rushed and did a great job on her layers will be back and asking for him.

  • Patrick Prichard

    Patrick Prichard


    Lori is always there to greet me. She and the other staff are very friendly. They are my go to place to get my hair taken care of. Lori has since left Great Clips and moved on. Using David at the moment. Let’s see if he works out??

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