Elan Nail Spa en Fort Worth

Estados UnidosElan Nail Spa



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12345, Alta Vista Road, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-562-8686
sitio web: www.elankeller.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9525178, Longitude: -97.2819886

comentarios 5

  • Stacy Pickett

    Stacy Pickett


    I look forward to every visit to this salon! Vivian has done my nails for several years and always does an excellent job (and I am very particular). Every person in this salon is so friendly and works hard to make their customers feel special (children too)! The salon is extremely clean and relaxing. The chairs are comfy and the decor is beautiful!

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    Brooklynn Burns


    Update:They had offered to fix my nails no charge. I went in and they let me chose a different color gel so I didn't have the same problem as before. This time around the staff was nice and I understand that coming in on Mother's Day for my first time was a reason I had a bad experience. In the mornings on a non holiday they do a nice job and friendly service. I came two days ago. All of my GEL nails are off.I would have to pay other 35$ somewhere else to get them redone for my vacation. Also the lady who did my nails did a horrible job. My family and I also had made a reservation days ahead of time and we had to wait 30 minutes after are appointment to even get one person started on one of us.

  • Jennifer Underhill

    Jennifer Underhill


    There are So many choices in the area and believe me I’ve tried them all. Elan Spa is a cut above the rest. They always seem to know your name when you walk in, everyone is extremely friendly (which I find to be rare at nail salons), great relaxing atmosphere, private room for group of girlfriends, good color selection and good choice of drinks. Definitely would recommend to friends!

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    Kathy Hanson


    I love this salon. The staff is most helpful and caring. It is a clean, professional and restful environment. I really appreciate the diversity you see at the salon. They have male and female technicians available to perform a variety of services from manicures and pedicures to waxing, facials and massages. All of which I have enjoyed. The clientele is also very diverse. Men and women, young and old. Each month when I bring my 93 yr old mother I see young girls being pampered and learning the finer things in life. Everyone that comes to the salon is treated with respect and dignity. I would recommend to anyone to give it a try and see for yourself. This is a wonderful experience.

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    Mymetro Phone


    I am an African-American female and have been a client for at least 2 years. My nail tech Allie is the literal best! She is very good, my dipped nails are always on point, and she always goes out of her way to make my visit special. I followed her to this salon which she and her family own b/c she is great at what she does and super sweet. For my 40th birthday last year she gave me flowers and a gift! The business idea they have to not have or use harsh chemicals like acrylic is due to their concern for their customers and their staff. I plan to extend my services from just nails to the facial waxing services they offer here because they use Organic, healthy products.

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