Grace's Nail Salon of NY Inc w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneGrace's Nail Salon of NY Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2799, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-289-6586
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8247344, Longitude: -72.9936117

komentarze 4

  • en

    Jocie P


  • en

    michelle rodrigues


  • Griz Valle

    Griz Valle


    They don't know what they are doing. There fill-ins are not professional! Bad job!!! I will never go there.

  • en

    Ashley Athenas


    This has got to be the worst nail salon I have ever been too. I would post a picture of my nails from not even a week ago that are chipping, discolored, and not even filled in as they claimed they did. I never would go out of my way to right a poor review on a business, but I am appalled. I came in here in a rush from the DMV to catch a plane explained I only had an hour and really didn't need a fill in just a color change, they insisted I needed a fill in and it would be $35 and they would be done in 45 mins. I sit down two not one two women start doing my nails, she doesn't even shave down the old nail just starts dipping my finger in powder and wiping it off ? So you can still see all the creases from the old nail and where it needed to be filled in. Then I explained I wanted French when I got there now I have been there already for an hour and she's still not done with the fill in with two women doing this ? I start to get upset because as I explained I had a plane to catch and I couldn't go with non painted nails. So she tells me to just do a color ? The entire point of me coming is was I didn't want color I wanted French ? I already had color. She starts fighting with me about the French I insist she does it, she does the lines weren't even straight I just really wish you could post a picture here! So I finish goto pay she goes it's $40? But you just said $35 no $40....okie fine here!! My nails are five days old all chipped you can see all the the creases from where she should of filed down and filled and mind you it took an hour and half ! Don't go here!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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