Diva Salon Inc w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneDiva Salon Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3135, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-451-3743
strona internetowej: www.divaswigsandweaves.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8371987, Longitude: -72.9956191

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nakeya Branch


    If I could give them no stars I would. The owner was very polite so I guess 1 star is merited. This salon is an over priced and old fashion salon. No innovation at all. The stylist need to learn updated techniques to improve their craft. I took my daughter there for kids style feed in cornrows braids. Two of the stylists tried and not one of them could do it. My daughters braids were unproportioned and various sizes that looked awful. To top it off one of the stylist Tammy finger nails were so dirty it made me cringe🤮. I wouldnt recommend this salon to anyone. 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 THREE THUMBS DOWN TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.

  • en

    Kira Dawkins


    I absouslty love this salon. I've been a couple times. The stylists here are amazing I've got hair cuts braids blow outs perms there great at everything. I can't wait for my next visit

  • en

    Ebony Bromfield


    I don't usually come often. However, every time I came was as a walk in and was in and out in a timely matter. Latoya did a fantastic job. I will certainly be returning.

  • Lise Cutter

    Lise Cutter


    The girl Sondra always did beautiful work and exactly what my daughter wanted; however, making an appointment is a total waste of time, you will sit until Latoya feels like letting you go into the chair. Other people come in and go before you even if you’ve sitting there for an hour. Sondra seems to be gone now, but Latoya said she could get my daughters hair done anyway. She over-booked the Salon so badly that my 11 yr old sat in her chair for 2 hours and when she finally got in the chair, the woman (new) started doing “whatever she wanted”, she didnt blow out her hair but was tearing at it with a fine tooth comb without any product! I started complaining and Latoya made lots of excuses, eventually resulted in us leaving. Latotoya salon is fina as long as you do what SHE wants and plan to sit in the Salon for waaaaaaaaaay more hours than needed. Not professioanl and certainly not respectful of anyone else’s TIME.

  • Jose Candelario

    Jose Candelario


    The ladys are amazing and they do fabulous work. Most of my lady relative go there for all the extension needs. Lotya is amazing she did my daughters sew in a few weeks back and she looked gorgeous everyone loved it thanks again Toya!!!xoxox

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