Good Old Days Eco Florist en New Windsor

Estados UnidosGood Old Days Eco Florist



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270, Walsh Avenue, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 800-368-7831
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4891532, Longitude: -74.0230545

comentarios 5

  • Cliff Lee

    Cliff Lee


    The people here are truly amazing. You can tell they are passionate about their bouquets and love helping you find the exact arrangement you are looking for. If we could give them 10 stars we would.

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    Cindy H


    I always thought most florists are basically the same until I met Lynne, the owner of good old days florist. Lynne, really knows the business of floral work. The quality of her flowers is exquisite. Each arrangement I have had the privilege of seeing is unique masterpiece. If you are looking for the best in floral work, I would highly recommend checking out good old days florist

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    Cesar Vidal


    Bought some flowers for my mother and she loved them. Lynn is very friendly . I highly recommend for any occasion. My new go to place when sending flowers to my family thank you much

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    Robert Dentato


    Lynn was very helpful, she is very talented when it comes to making floral assangements. Made me a gorgeous piece for my wife at a fair price. Highly recommended

  • Cathleen McCollian

    Cathleen McCollian


    After the flowers were delivered, the recipient called me, literally moved to tears. They were so thrilled about how beautiful and personal the arrangement was. I had called the shop instead of ordering online so I told a little about the the occasion, and she made to order. I would highly recommend this shop.

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