GND Auto Sales & Repair in Phoenix

Vereinigte StaatenGND Auto Sales & Repair


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Phoenix, AZ 85009, USA
kontakte telefon: +1
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Latitude: 33.4524926, Longitude: -112.134723

kommentare 2

  • Danielle Robinson

    Danielle Robinson


    DO NOT BUY HERE OR ELSE YOU WILL BE SCREWED OVER! He ILLEGALLY sold my brother a nice car that has so many issues! He ignores phone calls and texts! My brother tried to address the situation and they texted back telling my brother that they can't do anything about it and they will "try" to get him the title to the car in a couple of days. It's been a week. Oh did I mention that the bill of sale was not notarized which means it is ILLEGAL?! Save yourself the hassle and go to a regular dealership! We will be seeing you in court, dude.

  • en

    Daniela Ramirez


    Bought a car from here and it was so much for the car and plus the car has so much bad things , I bought it for 4500 and I already put more then 3000 in it. So bad !! -10 star !!

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