Birrieria Obregon in Phoenix

Vereinigte StaatenBirrieria Obregon



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3134, West Van Buren Street, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 602-442-5142
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.4516337, Longitude: -112.127673

kommentare 5

  • en

    Alex Vargas


    Pinchi fly farm. They should hand you electric fly swatter with your receipt before eating. So annoying that they have an ac system and like 40 fans. But still have to keep doors wide open. Other than that they always forget to take pride in the detail of an order. Since I started taking my girlfriend there. Shes always asked for no onions. But guess what, you guessed right. ONIONS EVERYTIME.

  • en

    Ricky Rami


    I go for the birria tacos so delicious .. this place opens early so it's packed by 11 on the weekends. Been coming here for a while now.good grub....must have

  • en

    Rickles Worth


    Food is ok, a little on the expensive side. Birria is soup after all. Feels like I'm eating in a cafeteria with loud music.

  • en

    Mercedes Montes


    The food is always delicious and fresh! The only problem is parking. It always has been here it's so delicious that parking is an issue. Other than that the food is amazing and customer service is always friendly. Price isn't that bad either which always helps!

  • kelly Lloyd

    kelly Lloyd


    Best Birrieria in town. I remember when it was just a little hole in the wall place now they've expanded and its even greater. Good service great people. On time and would recommend to others. I have actually....

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