Giovanni's w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGiovanni's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

579, Grand Concourse, 10451, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-402-6996
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8194431, Longitude: -73.9272205

komentarze 5

  • en

    Evelyn Rodriguez


    Love the atmosphere and food. Celebrated my birthday there. Enjoy when they have live music.

  • Ana Eusebio

    Ana Eusebio


    I was a little lost because I walked in thought the incorrect entrance and actually asked another customer if I could just pick my own table. Later on, I switch to the section of the restaurant where the bar is, which is nicer. Attention was good, so was food.

  • en

    Tanya Rullan


    Love this place but they lost a star recently because of a waitress shotty service. There were not enough table settings, and not enough glasses of waters for everyone at the table. We had to ask for everything multiple times when the food came out. Not once did she offer a refill on drinks. We had to keep calling her over. We ordered appetizers and when the empty plates were sitting in front of us too long we had to clean up the table ourselves. I'm usually more forgiving about slow service if the place is packed but there were no other tables full and she was literally standing near by doing nothing. I really love this place and go and order all the time. So I'm very disappointed in having to drop the star but no one really was apologetic. This price point is too high for the south bronx to get bad service. The food here is fantastic non-the-less.

  • en

    Robert Thompson


    Excellent Italian food. Service good. Prices vary on selection. Bar and seating available if u want to dine in. Recommend if in mood for great Italian cuisine.

  • Marisol Diaz

    Marisol Diaz


    A Bronx staple. Large enough menu for any appeti, pizza, salads, sea food,.. Quick service and honest. At least 4 sections; the quick bite to eat for pizza near the counter; a more formal but still casual setting; and two more areas for formal dinning and business dinner. About the honestly part, I paid my bill and left my credit card behind. The waitress ran after me when she realized what I had done. She could not find me. I only realized I did not have my credit card the very next day. They were holding it for me.

najbliższy Bar

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