Applebee’s w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneApplebee’s



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610, Exterior Street, 10451, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-226-5700
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8216635, Longitude: -73.9297944

komentarze 5

  • Scott Jones

    Scott Jones


    What can I say. Its applebees. Small portions high prices. Best on menu. Burgers n fries

  • en

    Miguel Gonzalez


    Went there last night and was told they are only accepting cash which was already an inconvenience but I accepted. I sat at the bar and had to wait forever to order two beers. I only got those two beers because I had to call the bartender over, she would not even look in my direction. When it was time to order food again I had to call over the bartender because they weren't paying attention. The appetizers and dinner arrived at the same time and they tasted awful seems like they were sitting there for a long time. I finally couldn't take it anymore and requested the check because I couldn't get anyone to serve me another drink. I have been there several times but my last two visits have been the worst and I will never return to this place again.

  • Imzadde



    Great teamwork and bright smiling faces. My server was a tad busy on arrival and everyone else made certain that I was taken care of. I was alone in and I use a wheelchair. Often I get overlooked. Not here.

  • en

    mahon tulloch


    This is literally the best Applebee's ever! I had such a great experience here with my wife and kids. My server Hope was so friendly and helpful. She recommended drinks to us as well as appetizers and happy hour specials. I felt like she saved us so much money with her suggestions with the menu combinations. I will be returning! And I hope to have her serving us again!

  • Michael Caraballo

    Michael Caraballo


    Normally a great experience but this Christmas the service was terrible. I'm disabled, legally blind, and I went here on Christmas night with my kids because we were given gift cards from the school to help with the holidays. Our servers name was Scarlet. First, when I ordered the food I wasn't aware that my plate brought 3 sides so I was confused as to why I was being told to choose a 3rd and when I tried explaining why I was confused it seemed like Scarlet had an attitude. Second, my daughter asked if they had toothpicks which Scarlet said she'd bring her but instead brought her containers "to go" because she was waiting for us to leave. Third, I paid my bill but unfortunately didn't have enough to pay a tip at the time. I waited for Scarlet to come back so I could explain to her what happened and that I would return on Friday to pay her the tip but before I was able to say anything she began asking if she did something wrong and demanded a $20 tip and walked away with an attitude... my daughter was upset that I wasn't allowed to fully explain the situation and gave her $1. I miss my regular waitress, Michelle... she was the best and always a sweetheart.

najbliższy Bar

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