Game N Trade en Sacramento

Estados UnidosGame N Trade



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1560, West El Camino Avenue, 95833, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 916-925-8888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.611901, Longitude: -121.4970804

comentarios 5

  • Miguel Olguin

    Miguel Olguin


    My son has been wanting to visit this store. We finally made it and very happy to be here. Many old school games “brings back memories “. Prices are very good. Sales person very knowledgeable and took his time with answering all my son questions. Will definitely return.

  • en

    Erich Stevenson


    Ive seen some of the more rare classic systems here such as 3do/cdi but the prices are pretty high.

  • Johnnygiant 2490

    Johnnygiant 2490


    Very outstanding service on buying, selling, and trading games. Always a great selection in retro video games that go back as far NES and even earlier. I've been a faithful customer since early 2012 and don't see myself going to another business for what Game N Trade has to offer. The owner is a really nice guy. Very knowledgable in gaming, system functionality, and the gaming market(new and used). Whenever I have an issue with my systems, I know I can come here and feel absolutely confident that it will be fixed as efficiently as possible.

  • Melecio Ramos

    Melecio Ramos


    Well done work. Took my PS4 into the shop due to a broken HDMI port and clean up. Did extra and sounds and looks great. Highly Recommend!!!

  • Jodi Genzel

    Jodi Genzel


    The man that runs it is great. Very friendly & knows what he's talking about. Great service

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