Futon World en Paramus

Estados UnidosFuton World



🕗 horarios

308, New Jersey 4, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-342-4360
sitio web: futonworld.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.913386, Longitude: -74.045974

comentarios 5

  • Vivian Cabrera

    Vivian Cabrera


    I am so happy I walked into this store. We need more businesses like this that focus on customer service and quality products.

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    serge D


    Awesome store, wentvin and bought the fuscia coil matress with memory foam... It is quite amazing to sleep on

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    Jason W


    Couldn't have been any faster or easier to buy a mattress. Very friendly. Unsure why some people said they were unfriendly but they treated me and my daughter like family. Would definitely recommend

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    Mike Riley


    Best customer service I've ever had. I purchased a futon around 8:00 p.m. and found there was some hardware missing from the box. I called the store asking if I could get the pieces mailed to me, and the salesman actually drove them to my house, an hour away from the store, the very same evening. I tried tipping him for the trouble but he refused. Thanks very much, Mozzy. I will certainly feel comfortable purchasing more from you in the future.

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    Muzzy the salesman!! "PRICELESS".....this was my 2nd time there, I purchased each time. He never EVER made me feel pressured to make a decision. He is Genuinely happy to have you spend as much time asking questions, looking, sitting, and trying out any and all the Futons. A Very Friendly & Concerned gentleman. He works to accommodate your needs, never pushing to make a "Bigger" sale. My first purchase was in the Fall 2016, it was only $149.00, a 4 inch cotton futon mattress. I had spent over 2 hours there. Today he helped my daughter purchase a futon bed , allowing us as much time as needed, and answering all our questions. He put together a nice package including delivery and set up. We had a great day at Futon World Paramus. I look forward to my next visit and purchase. Thank You Muzzy!

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