Furniture On The Bay en New York

Estados UnidosFurniture On The Bay



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646, Bay Street, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-556-5444
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6261327, Longitude: -74.0756103

comentarios 4

  • Tressa Eaddy

    Tressa Eaddy


  • en

    elizabeth sainte


    The experience started off good hustling me into buying a crapy bed frame. When they put it together of course is was fine and then two weeks later it broke. I have been calling them for a month to come and fix and each time they say they're coming they never show up. Worst service ever I do not recommend anyone go to this store for furniture shoot ya better off going to ikea.

  • Louis Rasso

    Louis Rasso


    Hood prices for good, sturdy furniture

  • Pete Weinman

    Pete Weinman


    Better than I had hoped it would be. A friend recommended I shop at this store because I wanted relatively inexpensive - but not necessarily "cheap" furniture. The sales people (I dealt with Vinny) are friendly and not pushy. I left and came back a couple times (after comparing their items to some other stores) and never felt pressured to "sign now." They have several samples on the floor to see and feel what items are like and they have dozens of books to go through if you (like me) need more choices. I found it difficult to actually compare prices between different furniture at different stores, but I got the sense that the quality of the furniture at this store is pretty good and the prices are definitely reasonable. Once ordered, I was given an estimated time frame for the items, which was followed-up on that day with a phone call giving me more precise information. My order came in two deliveries (bedroom and living room sets) and both times I was given accurate delivery windows (within a few hours) within which the deliveries were actually made. The delivery men for both deliveries were professionally dressed (store "uniforms") and were all polite and pleasant. I will definitely recommend this store to my friends, and in fact I have already done so.

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