Furniture Direct en Jersey City

Estados UnidosFurniture Direct



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368, Duncan Avenue, 07306, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-984-0048
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7308252, Longitude: -74.0853651

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ana Ocasio


    This place is the worse! I ordered my furniture and they told me it will be delivered in a week. First of all, it took almost 3 weeks before it was delivered and they didn't deliver all the furniture. Then when I called, the MANAGER had an attitude! This was their fault and they didn't even call to tell me...they left it up to the delivery guys to tell me..."oh, this is what we have for now!" Then every weekend for the next 3 weeks, they brought my stuff little by little. The excuse every time I called was that it hadn't been delivered from the factory to them. And...the quality of their mattresses SUCK! How the hell is my box spring bigger than my mattress?! Shouldn't it be the same size?! I can see already my bedroom isn't going to last long at all...and I paid over 5K for everything. I will never recommend them to anyone! SMH!

  • en

    Pooja Kumar


    Very bad service and products. When u place order They tell something else and deliver something else. Don’t give full payment In the beginning, Otherwise they will not do delivery for 4-5 weeks.

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    Kristin Benthall


    I will never order anything else from this place again I got a call from the lady associate early this morning saying my order will be delivered between 11am- 4pm so around 2 something the guy calls me first asking do I still want my delivery for today and I said yes then start talking about it will be delivered between 4pm- 6pm i called at 7pm saying where is my delivery the lady put me on hold then say the driver will be there 20-30 mins it is now 8:21pm and I still ain't received my delivery yet oh did I mention I throw away me & my daughter old bedroom set this morning bcuz our new ones was supposed to arrive today smh.. so I guess we supposed to sleep on the floor huh bcuz now their closed.. what places closes without completing they Delivery anyway..(so unprofessional)..

  • en

    Samer Sheika


    Thank you furniture direct for such a wonderful experience buying furniture. Love the furniture and thanks for the quick delivery ☺. You guy rock !!!

  • majdi saleh

    majdi saleh


    Had a great experience buying furniture for my new home. My salesman was awesome, funny, and very honest from start to finish. I will be recommending this place to everyone I know. Thank you furniture direct ☺🤗

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