Fran Eichler DDS en Smithtown

Estados UnidosFran Eichler DDS



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1, Annette Avenue, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-360-8555
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8430324, Longitude: -73.1690284

comentarios 5

  • Joe Lopez

    Joe Lopez


    Excellent Service, Professionals who care about their customers...

  • Cynthia serna-lopez

    Cynthia serna-lopez


    Best Dentist ever!!! very gentle and caring her staff also is the best!! would recommend her a thousand times.

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    Brian G


    Let me start this off by saying something most people probably agree with: I hate going to the dentist. I pretty much dread even a simple cleaning let alone getting drilled. Obviously, it would take a magnificent dentist to even begin to assuage my dental anxieties. Dr. Eichler is beyond magnificent. I love her. Besides being kind, compassionate, and a beautiful human being, she is also, in my eyes, the best damned dentist in the world, full stop. She’s a warm person with a soft touch and a ready smile. If you’re like me, and you pretty much hate dentists (or at least the act of receiving dental care) give Dr. Eichler a shot. She will put your nerves at ease and will provide you with stellar dental care. At this point, you couldn’t pay me to go elsewhere.

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    Judith Edwards


    I have been a patient of Dr. Eichler"s since the 1980's. I now live in North Carolina, and Dr. Eichler is still my dentist. I think that says it all! Dr. Eichler keeps up with all of the latest treatments, and has a very efficient office. Her office staff is also wonderful. They all make a great team.

  • Madelyn Haussner

    Madelyn Haussner


    The practice is awesome. Caring, concerned professionals and dental health was never a combination I knew existed. Not here - you're not a number or a face, but a real person with Dr Fran Eichler & her Wonderful staff. They go the extra mile to make you feel special, as if you're the only one in the practice. My family continues coming here and that says a lot, since they don't want to see the dentist. Especially my husband who used to be dental-phobic. Not now! Thanks Dr. Eichler & staff - you guys rock!!

Dentista más cercano

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