Douglas Fisher DMD en Hauppauge

Estados UnidosDouglas Fisher DMD


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3, Canterbury Drive, 11788, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-265-0606
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Latitude: 40.827108, Longitude: -73.170938

comentarios 5

  • Jennifer Paolano

    Jennifer Paolano


    Dr. Fisher took pride in the work he did for me and I felt totally comfortable the entire time. He made sure my somewhat complicated root canal was taken care of properly even if he had to refer me to another talented and caring endodontist out of concern for my specific case. Dr. Fisher then matched my crown with the utmost precision. You can't even tell it's not one of my real natural teeth. I did not hesitate to make more appointments to follow up etc. Dental hygienist Sue is the best at what she does, executes a thorough exam and cleaning as well as being one of the sweetest medical professionals I have ever encountered. I have recommended this office to many people who are now loyal patients and who started off being afraid of having procedures. Now they are on their way to a healthy mouth and so am I.

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    Sherman Levy


    When we moved to Hauppauge from Brooklyn, 27 1/2 years ago, a friend recommended Dr. Doug and we have been extremely satisfied with the office personnel and staff since the beginning. Both of our daughters and their children have also been utilizing the facilities of the good doctor and his hygienist for lo, these many years. Thanx all, for the great dental health that you've provided for all of us.

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    Bill R056


    Dr. Fisher, Susan, Pat and staff are always a pleasure to see when I visit. They are so friendly and personable. The care I receive is second to none. With their service and guidance along with my home care, my teeth and gums have never been better. Thank you!!!!

  • Judith Civitano

    Judith Civitano


    I have been going to Dr. Fisher since I moved to Suffolk County 11 years ago, and have been extremely happy with his entire office and his work. Everyone is so courteous, friendly and efficient! Susan does the best teeth cleaning around. I actually did give another dentist a try many years ago and after 1 cleaning, I hightailed it back to Dr. Fisher's office.

  • Bruce Binder

    Bruce Binder


    My entire family have been using Dr. Fisher for almost 20 years and we are so glad to have found him. The doctor and his entire staff are wonderful. Sue the hygienist and Pat the administrator know how to treat their patients and are great to work with. Never a problem with scheduling, billing, insurance or follow ups. I have seen other dentists before and Dr. Fisher is by far the most knowledgeable and gentle. His treatment plans and recommendations are honest and fair. My family and I have had some serious issues in the past with our teeth and Dr. Fisher was always there to provide excellent advice and treatment. We all have great smiles thanks to Dr. Fisher!

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