Focus Rx en West Babylon

Estados UnidosFocus Rx



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1035, Straight Path, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-888-0750
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7243705, Longitude: -73.3759437

comentarios 3

  • en

    Aaron Rojan


    my doctor ordered a prescription from this pharmacy and I received a call from "KIMBERLY" stated that i have to pay $25 co-pay. A few days later, I received a letter from my insurance stating that my prescription is covered. I called my insurance and asked about the $25 co-pay, and I was told it's correct. I called Kimberly again and before I can even tell her that I spoke to my insurance, she said "this is medicine is with thousands of dollars and all you have to pay is $25" What does the amount of the medicine have anything to do with me? She is just very unprofessional. I was at the bank on speaker when she said that and all the people around me looked at me a if I can not afford to pay $25. I was embarrassed and I said I will call her back when I get home. Called her back and totally denied the conversation and asked to speak to the supervisor Richard Collins. I was explaining to him what happened and all he can say is do you want to order the medicine. Unprofessional as well. I will call my provider and ask not to order from this pharmacy again! I will also post this on trip advisor. If I can give them zero stars, I would! BEWARE!!! VERY UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE!

  • Derek Basini

    Derek Basini


    Remarkable service and staff. I got tired of being told to "come back in a couple hours for your prescription" from the big box Pharmacies - total lack of service. Focus RX provided my script and personally took the time to review instructions, dosage amounts and additional questions/concerns I had. They were friendly and I enjoy using them for every medicine or over the counter drug I need. Overall, remarkable experience and I wish more local pharmacy's like Focus RX still existed.

  • robert veney

    robert veney


Farmacia más cercano

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