Fitness II en Bergenfield

Estados UnidosFitness II



🕗 horarios

2, South Washington Avenue, 07621, Bergenfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-384-5600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.927716, Longitude: -73.9964195

comentarios 5

  • en

    Kathy Palacio


    Horrible horrible gym! Stay far far away!!! The manager there, an old blond lady, is the most unprofessional and disgusting human being I’ve ever encountered! I called about an issue with the gym and not only was she rude, she told me “ too bad sweetheart” and hung up on me! I called back to get her name and the owners information so I could complain of the horrible customer service and just as the young man who picked up the phone was giving me the owners info i heard the nasty old woman say “no no no”, grab the phone and hang up AGAIN!!!!! To no surprised I called back furious only to have that disgusting woman pick up and hang up again! At this point i had no choice but to personally go to the gym and confront her. When I did she told me she got mad I said her gym was “dirty”... as if a Paying customer isn’t allowed to have an opinion of a gym they attend. I don’t know lady, maybe do your damn job and have your staff benethe you clean the gym so that people won’t think it’s dirty? Bottom line, the gym is in fact filthy, some machines don’t work and management freaking sucks! Especially that disgusting old blond lady! LEARN HOW TO TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS LADY!!! Did you you grow up with no manners??! You should be ASHAMED of yourself!!!!!!

  • en

    Gary Richardson


    Super friendly staff, guy at the front desk is always say hello to me even Knows My Name by heart. The gym is pretty clean and I have to say pretty convenient since I live in the neighborhood.

  • en

    Yuliia Hlamazdenko


    I was considering becoming a member, although I changed my mind after the first session. Gym is totally neglected! For starts, majority of cardioresp machines are rusty and malfunctioning. There is no front desk person on the floor. No one tends the floor either. Dumbbells are simply scattered all over the place. Working out, I barely could hear music. This place looks like if invested some money and taken care of equipment may attract more people. The gym is occupying two floors. It has separate workout room for women; amazing mat area. Membership price is low too. I just have to hope that in future owners get on top the issues listed above. So far if you have a choice btw Fitness II and other franchise gym, I would not recommend choosing Fitness II.

  • Lonnie Mishoe

    Lonnie Mishoe


    Bare bones gym but great value if money is tight. Has most of what you need for basic to advanced strength and cardio training but you may have to look elsewhere if your training requires more specialized options

  • Jeff W

    Jeff W


    Love this gym, perfect location from where I live. Always clean and staff always courteous

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