Finishing Touch en Hicksville

Estados UnidosFinishing Touch



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145, West John Street, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-827-7433
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7674388, Longitude: -73.5321543

comentarios 5

  • en

    Jorja Carr


    I got married in October 2013 and have always wanted to write a review of this store. I just celebrated 4 years with my husband and here I am. Mary Ann is amazing!! I had previously seen a table cover at my florist from her store. When I went for my final look at the flowers, I couldn't imagine them being displayed on anything else. Few days later, I went to the store but she was out of the particular table cover I wanted. Not to worry though, Mary Ann went through her inventory and showed me several similar items. I ended up with the most beautiful table covers 3 days before my wedding!!!! She had them all cleaned and delivered on time, with no threading or stains. Thank you Finishing Touch.

  • en

    Dijana Gazivoda


  • Carisma Cousins

    Carisma Cousins


    This is the worst run business establishment ever. This company has no consideration for potential customers time . We made an appointment with someone very rude named Joy. Joy one month prior bum rushed me off the phone and gave me A reluctant appointment one month later with "NO" appointment time. Later, I spoke to Maryanne to receive an appointment time ,which was set by Finishing Touch for 3:30pm. I received a call from a staff member named Barbara (the day before our scheduled appointment) to ask if she could make our appointment earlier and reluctantly "I said yes". However,my spouse and I wasted our time and our gas money, because when we arrived at Finishing Touch at 3pm no one was there. Evidently, this company does not care about wasting potential customers time. We also called earlier that day to advise staff members that we could not arrive one hour earlier ( as Finishing Touch requested the day before our appointment to change the time from 3:30 to 2:30pm) ,due to inclement weather. Although, we were late and advised staff (at 2pm) via voicemail that we were on our way yet would be late due to inclement weather, no one at Finishing Touch answered the phone at 2pm. However, no one at Finishing Touch answered the phone at 2pm or 2:15pm or at 3pm. Although we had a 2:30pm appointment. Apparently "NO ONE WAS AVAILABLE TO TAKE OUR CALL OR ANSWER THE PHONE" 30 minutes "PRIOR" than our scheduled appointment at 2:30pm. No one called to forewarn us or left a voicemail message or called us on our cell phone to forewarn us that they would not be in the store. We called to notify staff that we would be 30 minutes late due to inclement weather yet to reiterate " no one answered the phone at 2 pm for a 2:30pm appointment". Our daughter stated this business did call after we left the house to commute from Suffolk to Nassau county but Finishing Touch did not leave a voicemail message stating "do not come we will not be here". The business staff member did not call my cell phone either. What socially inept behavior. What extremely disingenuous behavior displayed by a business establishment.Obviously this business does not need any customers. What a shock to ascertain that we travelled so far yet no one was in the office at 3pm. We wasted our time going to this poorly run business. The owner of this business needs to find staff members that actually want to work and deal with customers rain or shine.

  • Lauren Beamon

    Lauren Beamon


    I've used the finishing touch for 4 years. They are the best and always deliver

  • es

    Hector Aranda


Tienda de artículos para el hogar más cercano

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