Fender Mender en Roanoke

Estados UnidosFender Mender



🕗 horarios

500, Henrietta Creek Road, 76262, Roanoke, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-431-0670
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9933213, Longitude: -97.2347653

comentarios 5

  • Brian Smith

    Brian Smith


    Have used Fender Mender in Roanoke two times now and have been impressed with their work and their service. Friendly owner and associates and my car has come out repaired and looking great. It was a nice touch that they completely cleaned the vehicle inside and out and dressed the tires!

  • Cyndi Rowan

    Cyndi Rowan


    Dropping the car off today for estimate. No review on the work but in talking to Barry, I already know the car will be in great hands! Nice to work with a shop that's easy to communicate with. Car deemed totaled and I appreciate the honesty and hard work Barry put into the estimate. Next time I have an insurance accident my business goes there, and NOT Caliber.

  • speeddemon0712



    Absolutely the best shop in my opinion! I haven't had to bring my vehicle to them, but unfortunately my roommate is on his 3rd trip in the last year. Two break ins and one getting keyed. He's unlucky I guess. Each time, Fender Mender has done a fantastic job fixing his truck. Excellent customer service, quick turn around times, and great prices. We're customers for life!

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    Larry Murphy


    This is a very dependable body repair company. I highly recommend this company . I have needed their services on 2 vehicles and the work was completed satisfactory.

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    Cecilia Burris


    Twice Fender Mender had my car for repairs. Their work was ridiculously good. But their treatment of me as a customer went way above & beyond. Would recommend highly.

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