A Bikers Garage en Roanoke

Estados UnidosA Bikers Garage



🕗 horarios

101, Travis Street, 76262, Roanoke, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-491-5200
sitio web: www.abikersgarage.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.0021398, Longitude: -97.228282

comentarios 5

  • Justin Lilly

    Justin Lilly


    Dropped off bike for brake flush. Picked up my bike dirtier than when I dropped it off. I guess it got rained on at some point. The key was already in the ignition in the parking lot. This might be standard practice for them, but I was not impressed. Update: 30 minutes after posting this review I received a phone call apologizing about the bike and offering a detail. Very impressed with the offer, but declined. I'll definitely give them another visit just for that call.

  • Wayne Smith

    Wayne Smith


    Top notch great team my bike 96 bad boy run like a camp nice job guys thanks

  • Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown


    Always very friendly, and great help...you really can't beat these guys if you just need a part or even some work done.

  • en

    Diggidy Dog


    I love this place. The owner and his son are up front and honest. They are not going to over sell you. I dont trust most mechanics. But these guys have earned my trust and I wont go any place else. Only downside is they dont work on cars!

  • Bill McNatt

    Bill McNatt


    When you think of a bike shop, most people think mark up... Not here. They usually have what I need or can get it, and at a very good price comparable to, and sometimes cheaper than my favorite online store. I highly suggest you check them out. Laid back, straight shooters that'd have no problem answering questions and giving honest answers. And don't forget to check out the sales shelf when you're there. Always something cool that you'll want but don't really need!

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