Fatty's Tattoos & Piercings Dupont Circle i Washington

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Forenede StaterFatty's Tattoos & Piercings Dupont Circle



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1333 Connecticut Ave North West, 3rd floor, Washington, DC 20036, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-452-0999
internet side: www.fattystattoos.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9081805, Longitude: -77.0421875

kommentar 5

  • Faye Shasha

    Faye Shasha


    DO NOT GET YOUR NIPPLES PIERCED HERE a friend of mine had his done and the piercer did them crooked and gave him a bar that was too short and caused a lot of ecxessive swelling and pain. we went back a few months later and saw a different piercer who insisted they were the right size despite him getting constant irritation bumps.

  • Julia Pergande

    Julia Pergande


    Great shop. Valerie is an incredibly kind piercing artist who created the most positive experience possible

  • Steph H

    Steph H


    Danni is the best! She pierced my ears and was very comforting, helpful and knowledgeable . She educated me on what's really all in most "surgical steel" jewelry and the dangers of putting it in your body . I won't go to anyone but her for my jewelry and piercing needs .

  • en

    Titilope Lawani


    I went to the Dupont Circle location yesterday as a walk in to get a rejecting dermal removed and a new dermal piercing. Danni was exceptional from start to finish. Very personable, knowledgeable, and professional. The jewellery prices are definitely on the higher end. But glad I found her.

  • Soumya Gowda

    Soumya Gowda


    I had an amazing experience with Fatty's piercer in Dupont Circle named Valerie. She was extremely professional as well as thorough. Valerie walked me through the entire piercing process from sanitizing instruments to the process of the actual piercing. She spent a good deal of time patiently answering all of my questions and making me feel very comfortable. Valerie also has an aesthetic eye to the positioning of piercings, and I greatly value the time she took to suggest angles and types of jewelry (never imposing, simply being helpful when answering my questions). Most of all, she is an incredibly talented piercer. She guided me through a breathing technique while she pierced me, and along with her talents as a piercer, the breathing made my experience virtually painless. I had an extremely positive experience at Fatty's overall, with helpful and friendly staff, along with an excellent piercer in Valerie.

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