Mervis Diamond Importers i Washington

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Forenede StaterMervis Diamond Importers



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1700, K Street Northwest, 20006, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-293-0600
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Latitude: 38.902222, Longitude: -77.039955

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jennifer Bonilla


    Mika was an all-star from start to finish in helping my now fiance pick out the perfect engagement ring for me. When I came into the store to meet her for the first time she was truly as sweet, attentive, and kind as my fiance had described her to be. Looking forward to working with her when it's time to pick out wedding bands and then some!

  • Akash Chowdhury

    Akash Chowdhury


    During our engagement ring shopping process, we did some research before we went to Mervis Diamonds. We are so glad we come here! My fiancé loved her ring so much! Dodi was at our service. She helped us select the perfect diamond and the setting. They have lots of selection that we didn't bother to go to other stores. They are very knowledgeable and able to listen to your concern and help you along the way. Great customer service! We highly recommend to everyone. My fiancé gets so many compliments on her ring. Thanks so much Mervis Diamond Importers!!

  • en

    Vicki Bouck


    My fiance and I had the pleasure of working with Mika for my engagement ring selection. I highly recommend her from start to finish, as she helped us pick out the perfect ring for me! She was wonderful, attentive, and helped us stay within our budget.

  • Matt Riser

    Matt Riser


    After having a bad experience at another jewelry store, I went to Mervis and met Mike. Not only was he knowledgeable, but he listened to what I wanted and gave great recommendations based on the parameters I set. He is trustworthy and I never felt like he was trying to upsell or pull a fast one. He was also very forthcoming about details that other jewelers may skim over. My lady loves the ring and we will certainly go back for wedding bands.

  • Premu Dhar

    Premu Dhar


    Maria was excellent! We (me & my fiance) went to Mervis Diamonds Importers in search of the perfect ring. Maria helped us design a stunning custom engagement ring that is complimented multiple times a week. They discussed her personal style & lifestyle to decide on a design & metal choice.

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