Effie's Boutique w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneEffie's Boutique



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2075, 86th Street, 11214, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-946-0736
strona internetowej: www.effies.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6035591, Longitude: -73.9962228

komentarze 5

  • en

    Amanda Leon


    Very beautiful and elegant dresses. The service is amazing. I recommend going here to everyone

  • en

    Olympia Colandrea


    My daughter Got the perfect dress for her bridal shower by Terani, Pina and the whole staff where very accommodating in helping her and the owner Effie made the ordering for the right size very easy, my whole experience was superb.I deffinally reccomend, beautiful dresses and accessories for the perfect look.

  • holly tsekhan

    holly tsekhan


    giselle is the best if you tell her what you looking for she picks the dress exactly on point she listens on the ideas that u have always takes her time never a rush thank you so much

  • Rainee Richardson

    Rainee Richardson


    We came to New York from Dallas, Texas to look for my daughters senior prom dress. Effie's had a great selection and prices. The 2 sales girls that helped us were AMAZING and so helpful. They truly made our experience memorable. I highly recommend Effie's and will order from them in the future.

  • en

    Melissa Blumkin


    If I could give this business 0 stars I would. I came in today with my aunt in search of a dress for my upcoming birthday celebration. As I walked through the door excited and ready to shop, I was immediately ignored by the two women working there. ** MY AUNT AND I WERE THE ONLY CUSTOMERS IN THE BOUTIQUE AT THIS TIME** I made eye contact with both women and expressed that I would love some help. BOTH WOMEN WALKED AWAY FROM ME! I raised my voice a bit and again requested some help. I was met with blank stares. I then described the style of dress I was searching for and was simply pointed in the direction of a rack and coldly told "look here". I have never been treated this way in my life. I was genuinely excited and looking forward to a lovely shopping experience with my aunt but was instead ignored and disrespected. When I picked out some dresses to try on,they acted as if they were doing me a favor by allowing me to even be there, let alone try on any of the dresses. I could understand if this was a large department store, but I definitely did not expect this type of customer service from a small boutique.

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