Джентл Дентал en Wading River

Estados UnidosДжентл Дентал



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6304, New York 25A, 11792, Wading River, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-929-6833
sitio web: gentledentalny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9439779, Longitude: -72.8446032

comentarios 5

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    Daniel Hart


    Great office. Very nice staff!!

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    Robert Zorcik


    I've been going to Gentle Dental for many years and I have always had a great experience there.

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    Julie Schmidt


    I had to go in on emergency as one of my front teeth just broke off at the root. Dr. Englebright was so caring and set up a temporary plan right away so I wouldn’t have an empty space. I have since been going regularly to make sure I am taking care of my teeth again. So not only was she knowledgeable, gentle and does great work, her assistants were just as wonderful. The front desk staff were also caring, professional and courteous. If you want a trustworthy, friendly office that works with you - you need to go to General Dental!

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    Heather steimle


    Love this office so much! Everyone is extremely professional, informative and (true to their name) gentle. My entire family comes here and I do recommend this office to all of my friends and co-workers. Thanks so much everyone at gentle dental!!

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    Rachel Weldon


    I have spent what feels like half my life sitting in a dentists chair. Since a year old, I've had experiences with many many dentists. I had developed a very unhealthy, debilitating fear of going and being in pain. I expressed that fear upon my first visit to Gentle Dental, and they went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable. From making sure my hygienist was aware of my hypersensitivity to pain - to prescribing a medication to help me get through some more intense visits - I began to not fear going to the dentist. I understood that Dr Ly and his staff were going to do their best to make sure I wasn't uncomfortable in any way. I went from needing to be numbed for a simple cleaning years ago to being able to sit through a root canal and bridge without help of medication. I firmly trust Dr Ly to do everything in his power to make sure I'm comfortable and not panicking. I wish I had started going to Gentle Dental sooner.

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