Dr. Jeffrey H. Fox, DDS en Wading River

Estados UnidosDr. Jeffrey H. Fox, DDS


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5962, New York 25A, 11792, Wading River, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-929-5855
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.946026, Longitude: -72.8265763

comentarios 2

  • en

    Steve Paskiewicz


    Not a friendly neighborhood dentist for sure

  • en

    Brenn K


    The whole dental office including Dr. Fox, the receptionist, and the office manager are completely unethical. They overcharge on billing, so please know what your insurance covers. They bill for more expensive procedures than were actually provided, which happened to me. They tried to overcharge me four times my co payment for fillings, and billed my insurance company for the same procedure. Also, Dr. Fox made a mistake and used silver (Amalgam) fillings when I requested white (Composite) fillings during the initial visit at his office. I tried to contact the office several different times to rectify the mistake and speak with Dr. Fox, but the receptionist made excuses that he is busy and cannot talk. Extremely frustrated with the whole situation, I requested a refund but they have yet to refund my credit card. My insurance company is currently looking into this matter against Fox Dental for "upcoding." Anyone who is considering going to fox dental, please reconsider and chose another dental office. Learn from my unfortunate experience.

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