Destination Maternity en Paramus

Estados UnidosDestination Maternity



🕗 horarios

65, New Jersey 4, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-843-5895
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.920126, Longitude: -74.065789

comentarios 5




    We wanted apply E gift card from retail me not sales rep does not want to allow it even when I said it was not a coupon and she consulated other sales rep and made us wait for 20 mins at counter served other customer while making us wait and then tried it the system which automatically worked. Emma is the sales rep who did not have a minute to drop to assist and we were kept waiting for her time.. may be because we are not valuable to buissiness has other customers were.. who does not want to apply a gift card when they are trying to make a purchase.. we were first in the line and served very last... No matter how good ur store is how u make customer feels is what they will remember.

  • Christina Goldstein

    Christina Goldstein


    I wish they were a little cheaper and they need to better organize the sale/clearance section

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    Stephanie Garcia


    Prices are a bit high but you can get some awesome deals in the clearance section. The customer service is great! They even offered us water when we got hot. Love this place.

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    Andrew Park


    Good atmosphere and good selection with play area for kids

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    Julianne Coppola


    I have been to this store several times in the past. The costumer service was always more then amazing. The staff was very friendly and helpful. They got to know me a little by asking some questions such as how far along I was, what size I was and what I was looking for. They began to help out by picking clothes out for me around the store and setting me up at a fitting room. They even gave me water. I have been there more then 4 times and it has always been that way! I was so looking forward to going shopping for new stuff since I just found out I am expecting another beautiful baby. I went into the store today feb 7th around 1:00. I had my 2 year old son with me who was of course surely a handful. The one girl saw me chasing my son around instead of shopping. She mentioned that the tv wasn't working for the kids area...

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