Denis Flowers & Gifts i New Milford

Forenede StaterDenis Flowers & Gifts



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185, Madison Avenue, 07646, New Milford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-262-9463
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.940994, Longitude: -74.021811

kommentar 5

  • en

    PAULA A. Bishop


    I just had my kids First Communion and I hired Denis Flowers for the center pieces and the balloons bouquets. The flowers were beautiful and still going strong. The colors were vibrant and the flowers were so fresh. Everything was delivered on time and was so tasteful. I highly recommend them. Big 5 Stars! 💐 🌹

  • Jim Cook

    Jim Cook


    We have used Kim and Denis Flowers for years now. They have a great store with lots of gifts, beautiful flowers and gift baskets. They are so friendly and professional and always do a great job. We highly recommend Denis Flowers and you have to stop in and visit their store. You will not be disappointed. Louise and Jim Cook

  • en

    Sue McLaughlin


    Sent a gift basket for my best friends birthday. It was terrific! Denis flowers was so easy to work with and very professional. Great ideas and So nice!

  • en

    Jessica Dello Buono


    This is my go-to flower shop. I've used Denis flowers all types of occasions and holiday gift baskets for clients. Kim makes the ordering process easy and efficient - can be done just over the phone. Everything is managed very professionally and the quality if always beautiful!

  • Justin Visconti

    Justin Visconti


    All of my experiences with Denis flowers have been fantastic. The staff has gone out of their way to help each time I have been in the store. The flowers always look nice and fresh and most of all the recipients loved them. I would recommend anyone looking for the personal touch to visit Denis Flowers & Gifts.

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