De Lucia Advance Practice, LLC w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneDe Lucia Advance Practice, LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7617 John F Kennedy Blvd West, North Bergen, NJ 07047, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-854-1500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8026587, Longitude: -74.0126737

komentarze 5

  • en

    Justin Enzmann


    The absolute best. I’ve never received the care and professionalism that Lauren gives the her patients with any care giver before. As a patient you feel like someone actually cares. You will not regret going here

  • Rick Runne

    Rick Runne


    She is very professional and caring and knowledgeable I recommended her to all my family and friends. Also her staff is friendly and willing to help in away possible. I love going to her office. They make you feel like a person not a number

  • en

    Brittany Sesulka


    If you are in search of an amazing practioner then De Lucia Advance practice is for you. Lauren has such a passion for medicine and is one of the most knowledgeable providers I have ever encountered. It is clear she stays up to date with the ever changing medical world and has the accolades to prove it. Lauren takes her time with each patient and is 100 per cent attentive to all their needs and concerns. Such a wonderful practice that will not disappoint!

  • en

    Lou Salvemini


    Dr.De Lucia and her staff are amazing! She cares about how your doing and stays in touch through out the month to see how your doing. She is genuinely there to HELP YOU! Not just script you and see ya later. I honestly I am so relieved that I just so happen to land on my feet with Dr De'Lucia! In 11 years of back pain. She has helped / cared the most in 3 months I have been her patient and I dont plan on ever leaving! A big thank you to Doctor & staff!!

  • Iliana Santiago

    Iliana Santiago


    Lauren and her staff are god sent. She’s not your average doctor she cares she listens she takes her time with her patients I have never met anyone like her or her staff they are like family that go above and beyond to help you. She has been treating me now for almost 2years and I tell you she is amazing I can walk normal again I was nearly facing death and she saved me. She did what no other doctor could do for me. Iam forever grateful to her and her staff for getting me as far as they have with out her god only knows how my condition would be she is a true healer. I thank god every day for placing her in my path. She rocks!!

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