Therapro LLC w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneTherapro LLC


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

9225, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Boulevard, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-869-2707
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.810729, Longitude: -74.0028823

komentarze 4

  • en

    Bolla Botros


    I called to take an appointment and the give me one month after when I called the jersey city office to confirm the appointment no one answer, imagine you call a doctor office and no one answer You so I called the main office after 10 min on hold and speak with 3 people the lady tells me that I have no appointment, and they don't handle Jersey city office, so rude ,so unresponsible,and careless.

  • Simone Jelks-Bandison

    Simone Jelks-Bandison


    This is possible the worst place I've been. They are rude and make you wait. I was here for over 3.5 hrs just to be told the Dr left and i would have to come back. The level of respect for your time is at an all time low. While I'm sure they don't care nor respect others time they are quick to bill your insurance company and pump you full of pills.

  • Mark Weaver

    Mark Weaver


    I was a patient there in the Jersey City location for over 4 years.I always waited for the staff to tell me"we have to see if you are approved before you can proceed with therapy".I never went there without their so-called approval methods.I go there this week and they tell me that there is an insurance situation and that I cannot continue my physical and occupational therapy until the insurance matter is resolved.Guess what Therapro,I called Horizon and they do not see a problem so,what is your problem.I will never use your services again.

  • en

    Mihir Patel


    Worst Staff ever I have seen, Long line, I spent more than 4 hours even after appointment.... No Follow up, even they put on HOLD for forever if you call ..

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