DBB Nail Salon w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneDBB Nail Salon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

250, Tarrytown Road, 10607, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-358-1871
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0419179, Longitude: -73.7919014

komentarze 5

  • en

    Monet Leigh


    Had a great 1st experience , however my second trip today will be my last. The actually work they do is great but them begging for tips after the service is rude and uprofessional. It's a customer choice to tip, I usually do tip my service based workers but let me offer don't stand there and give me nasty looks if choice not to.

  • Steph M

    Steph M


    Used to be a frequent customer because of Eva. As of lately, everytime I go in, only the guy is doin nails.and the rest of the staff is sitting in the massage chairs watching TV or eating. It's frustrating...I don't mind waiting, but you're keeping me waiting just to give me a time to come back! Will.not be returning to this place.

  • en

    heather toler


    their service is terrible! their gel manicures last a day. i went there on a thursday and by friday my gel was lifting! i went back and they would not fix my nails they were trying to charge me a dollar a finger. I would not recommend this place to any one! and the lady told me 25 and as i’m leaving and going to pay they say it’s always been 30 , their flip floppy with the prices. This nail salon NEEDS TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS OR GET NAIL TECHS THAT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! shut this nail place down!!!!!!!!!!! i would rate them a 0 but in order to inform others about their poor customer service & work i have to give them at least 1 star. Just know if i could they would not get ANY stars!

  • Ally Berry

    Ally Berry


    These people force you to tip them, the other day I went there to do my nails and the lady told me it would add up to $40, but she was doing somebody else’s nails so they guy had to do my nails instead after he was done he told me to pay $50 so because of that I didn’t tip them and they guy keep saying “tip tip tip” and I said I have no more on me after he sucked his teeth and I guess he was talking about me in his language. They don’t even know what they doing 😓

  • en

    T Cohen


    There’s not one time I went there and someone didn’t complain. I liked it because I always got in a seat right away. That’s because they don’t have customers and I’ll never go back after my gel manicure only lasted 2/3 days and they wouldn’t do it over

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