Ruby Nail w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneRuby Nail


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

423, Tarrytown Road, 10607, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-686-0202
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0416836, Longitude: -73.8001001

komentarze 5

  • Yesenia Garcia

    Yesenia Garcia


    Please please please save your time ! Do NOT go ! This is the worst nail salon I’ve ever been to, the service is trash & no one there should have a license to do nails it’s a dirty place and so unprofessional!!!!! Everyone asks each other what they have to do! No one at all seems to know what they’re doing at all ! I left my phone inside & they were about to close she didn’t let me back in saying she needed to go home but opening the doors took her 1 min. So disrespectful & unprofessionally. My nails look trash literally PLEASE don’t go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nicole Tapia

    Nicole Tapia


    Went in for powdered gel acrylic. Sign posted in store said they were $35. The owner confirmed that it would cost $35. When I went to pay they told me it was $50. I complained but they insisted I had to pay $50. Also they charged me $2 to use my credit card. I will never go in there again. They are dishonest and very rude.

  • en

    Rhianna Harris


    Awful Awful and Awful is all I can say. I went here to have a full set done on Friday evening and I explained to the guy(owner) who did my nails that they were uneven and very thick looking he totally ignored me, not satisfied at all with the job he'd done he had the audacity to ask for a tip. It wasn't even 2 days later when the nails started popping off, so even though I had said that I wasn't going back there ever again I did only for a refund. He refused to give me my money back and was yelling and saying over and over that if I'm not happy that's my problem and he doesn't care. All together that day I spent 100 dollars on my nails and my mom nails and for him to be so nasty and disrespectful about something he messed up is not right. He even said that he has so many people coming back to him complaining about the nails coming off and it's not his problem.

  • en

    Jasmine Seda


  • Paymi Romero

    Paymi Romero


    Awful services!!!! Give several changes to this business, to not judge their services just for first visit but the owner has no matters and no consideration to talk to clients neither to their employees! IM NOT COMING BACK AND I DO NOT RECOMEND AT ALL PLACE!!

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