Dave's Markets w Cleveland

Stany ZjednoczoneDave's Markets



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3301, Payne Avenue, 44114, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 216-361-5130
strona internetowej: www.davesmarkets.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5090395, Longitude: -81.6650289

komentarze 5




    Dave's is a nice store and they have very very nice workers that work there I enjoy going there been going for so long I kind of like know quite a few people that work there the young lady that works with the cigarettes in the back she is so very sweet and so very kind and a few of the cashiers that I've had the pleasure of meeting are very kind ladies

  • Verna Darby

    Verna Darby


    Daves is ok the customer service could be better. The variety of food could be wider they need more healthy food.

  • en

    Delores Campbell


    Love the grocery store. Fresh fruits and vegetables nice bakery but they don't make enough of the cinnamon rolls got to get there early to get them! This store usually have the things that I need make a good meal! I want to give it four and a half Stars. The only thing is the parking always always crowded but that is a good thing!

  • Blue Sky

    Blue Sky


    Very good store been going there for over 2 years now. It's practically the best days I've been to so far. The customer service is good and the workers except maybe one. The racist cop that be in front of the store all the time isn't too nice to black people but that ain't nothing. Very good store

  • Mark Corey

    Mark Corey


    I'm on a budget,, shopping for the week ahead. I've tried Dollar General, Family Dollar these are the 3 closest stores to me walking. My best option is Dave's. Especially the 10 pounds of chicken for $6.00 bucks!! They have a lot of 3 for a dollar deals and an aisle that's called "Dave's Dollar Aisle." The produce is great with different price options for the same vegetables. Once the produce guy told me he would package my garlic and jalapeno's to the price I wanted.....that was cool.

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