Tink Holl w Cleveland

Stany ZjednoczoneTink Holl



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1735, East 36th Street, 44114, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 216-881-6996
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.508472, Longitude: -81.663306

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adrienne Merrill


    It was like stepping into a different world. It definitely made you feel like you were on another continent. This place has everything Asian you could possibly think of or want, and even some stuff that you don't 😂. I really enjoyed shopping here. It's one of the few places I've been able to find jackfruit. Most of the employees are helpful. It's worth a trip just for the experience. It's the West Side Market meets Asia.

  • Antigonus Joseph

    Antigonus Joseph


    A very large grocery store, with a large frozen goods section. Lots of seafood in a great variety. Snacks, instant noodles, and staples are abundant. It takes a significant amount of time to go through the store to look at everything. Exclusive-English speakers are basically on their own, which can be a little frustrating when you're trying to find products you only know the spoken name of. Lots of interesting things to buy and eat. This place does smell a lot, but the handful of times I've been it hasn't been to the point it drove me away. Isles are very narrow as they've packed a lot into the space. Nice prices. There is a shop in Asia town that is larger, but is only worth going to if you have considerably more time to find what you're looking for. Update: I've recently bought produce from them on a Sunday. Normally I end up with some food waste as a single, but the veggies stayed fresh for a very long time. I might come more often.

  • Joe Morganti

    Joe Morganti


    Been here many times. Fantastic prices. fresh produce and lots of extra little bits and pieces. Love it!

  • Michael Walsh

    Michael Walsh


    This is by far the largest Asian grocery in the area. The variety can be somewhat overwhelming unless you either know what you are looking for or are willing to take a chance on something new. The fresh food selections of produce, seafood, and meat double on the weekend, but are ample during the week. Finding English speaking assistance is about average, as in challenging. There is ample secure off street parking. Everyone has been curtious on my many visits. Give ample time if you plan on perusing the entire store.

  • David McClellan

    David McClellan


    Large Asian grocery store/market with everything you might need. Fresh produce, meats, herbs/spices/roots, many different types of ramen, cooking and eating utensils, snacks, sweet treats, just about everything you would need in one place. The staff is friendly and the prices are reasonable.

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