D'Angelo Guitars w Fair Lawn

Stany ZjednoczoneD'Angelo Guitars



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16-23, River Road, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-995-3013
strona internetowej: www.dangeloguitars.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.937747, Longitude: -74.1361766

komentarze 5

  • Nick Carroll

    Nick Carroll


    Maybe I came in at a bad time to pickup my guitar but I felt pretty unwelcome. I was disappointed in the work a bit honestly. Luckily I found someone closer who can help in the time since. I wouldn't want to go back here.

  • en

    peter spadoro


    I brought my Telecaster to D'Angelo Guitars to be refretted.Phil did a expert,totally professional repair and setup for me !!My Tele has never played and sounded so good !!I haven't stopped playing it since bringing it home.That was over 5 hours ago !! .Thank you Phil.

  • en

    Stephen Eli


    Warning warning warning he ruined my guitar!!! Do not go to this place. I took my Fender Masterbuilt to him to add a switch, one week later the guitar stopped working so I removed the pic guard, to my surprise he cut the guitar with a saw and all of the wiring he did fell out. He led me on for months that he was going to reimburse me, and never did. Now he just avoids my calls. 1 there was no discussion of cutting my guitar you openly admitted that to me you never showed me a cut you never said there was a battery that needed to be replaced 2 The guitar stopped working that was the reason the pick guard was removed 3 I asked you to call to fender guitars and ask how much is a new body you have never called me back fender guitar told me you cannot buy a master built body there are custom shop bodies used on stratosphere website that are $900 4 I tried to call you and to email you and you are not responding after you agreed to pay me payments of $500 per month and I said OK 5 $4500 is not the price that I paid for the guitar and I have not seen a guitar that I particularly like four $4500 the music zoo is asking $7500 for their master built models 6 you have my phone number and my email you can contact me for resolve this with no issue I am unhappy with your work that I did not authorize if you disagree we will have a New Jersey state judge resolve this matter

  • en

    Peter S


    Had my electronics replaced in my Les Paul. Everything sounds great! Phil is a good guy and does a great job! Thanks!

  • Vincent Louis Marino

    Vincent Louis Marino


    Nice friendly guy - is his shop. Spoke for a while ( I went in to buy a guitar but they really mostly just do repairs - I thought they were D' Angelica/Angelico guitar sales) he knows what he's doing and if I need a setup or repair I'd definitely use him. I'm a computer guy and I'm into guitars. A major client in CT for 10 years was a music shop so I was pretty intimately involved with a place that specialized in buying and selling and servicing and know what's-what and again, this guy D'Angelo knows what he's doing.

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