CVS w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



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8601, Boat Club Road, 76179, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-236-0186
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Latitude: 32.8806084, Longitude: -97.4263336

komentarze 5

  • en

    Compu Zak


    HORRIBLE. If the redhead male with the beard offers to help... RUN. The rudest person I have ever met at a pharmacy. He needs to be doing something else in life other than helping people with medications. His ANGER at whatever is happening in his life should NOT be brought to the workplace!

  • John Johnson

    John Johnson


    Ok. I’m writing this while angry but it’s very fresh in my mind now. So, I’ve had a set of prescriptions filled flawlessly at the CVS location on mid cities and rude snow drive. I just transferred same prescription to the boat club road location. Went to pick up my prescriptions and I was told that one of them they could not go through for some reason and come back and get it later. OK. Then I get a call from the pharmacy saying there’s a discrepancy with the issuing doctor and they needed to talk to him before they can give me my prescription which is time sensitive that I cannot miss it. I called and talked to the pharmacist there for a very long time and no matter how much logic and passed prescriptions history I outlined to him he would not budge from needing to contact my physician before issuing my prescription to me. He was starting to breathe very hard on the phone so I told him just do what you have to do because I seem to have no other recourse and to have a good night. I then immediately called my old CVS and was told from the pharmacist that there was absolutely no issue and he didn’t understand what the problem was and would promptly fill my prescription after I transferred it back to them which I did. The boat club road CVS has a very low customer rating and I completely understand why and it is well deserved. I’m going to call corporate Monday morning to report this because you really need to be able to trust your pharmacy and I have none with this location.

  • en

    Jeff B


    They over-promise and under-deliver as a pharmacy staff on every 2 out of 5 visits. They are somewhat more competent than the location in front of Walmart in Saginaw, but just barely. Not enough time in my day to get into specifics but if you go there with low expectations you may leave satisfied.

  • Darryle Cash

    Darryle Cash


    Have been a customer since the opening day. Great pharmacy staff, well lit and clean. Rarely find an item I need that is out of stock.

  • Cherry Enn

    Cherry Enn


    The lady at the register seemed too busy on her tablet to greet and ring me up. Also there seems to only be one register open with a line full of people. I would go to this CVS more often if they fix this problem but they don't ever resolve it.

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