Stany ZjednoczoneCRUST KITCHEN



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1201, Hotel Circle South, 92108, San Diego, San Diego County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 619-501-1112
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Latitude: 32.758802, Longitude: -117.173389

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mo Berry


    First time trying this place before a day of fun at sea world. The food options here are amazing. Food is delicious and the restaurant itself is unique and inviting. The servers are knowledged with the food and will tell you what they like and recommend. Love the outside games you can play while you wait. I will have to come back to this place to try other options.

  • en

    Ms. Linda J


    My first visit here was fabulous... great food and service. My second visit, our orders got mixed up and the food was cold by the time it was fixed. Food was still good. I will try it again.

  • Destiny Mann

    Destiny Mann


    I was staying at the hotel in the same parking lot, I ate here 3 times, breakfast, lunch and dinner, I even got dessert once. Our chicken wings still some missed plucked feathers, my lasagna was cold in the middle and my eggs and waffles were cold. Talk about cold... my tiramisu was frozen solid. I would give it a one star but my husband and kids enjoyed their pizza.

  • en

    Cerberus Family


    Wow I live right by here and if it werent for a fortuitously placed sign spinner, my friends and I would have never known about it. The food was fantastic and while it wasn’t cheap, it wasn’t unreasonable. The waitress was great and we got excellent service even though they were slammed. They do a great breakfast. Definitely worth a try!

  • de

    Pierre No.


    Sehr sauberes und nettes Personal. Das Essen ist günstig und auch sehr viel! Die Pizza schmeckt verdammt gut! Der Salat ist etwas wenig aber das ist in Amerika normal. Wenn ich dort in der Nähe wäre, würde ich nochmal einer Pizza essen!

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