Creating Dental Excellence/Dr. Thomas P. Stein and Associates w Cornwall

Stany ZjednoczoneCreating Dental Excellence/Dr. Thomas P. Stein and Associates



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222, Main Street, 12518, Cornwall, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-534-3828
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.437007, Longitude: -74.031243

komentarze 5

  • Mike Foley

    Mike Foley


    The staff makes you feel great and Dr Stein an excellent dentist and makes you feel very comfortable

  • Barbara Pflughaupt

    Barbara Pflughaupt


    Great care, spotless facility and a doctor who will work with you and your specific needs. I highly recommend this practice to anyone in the Cornwall, NY area!

  • en

    James Beard


    I've been Dr. Stein's patient for over twenty years, and finding him was the best thing that ever happened to my dental health. From my first visit all those years ago, he has proved a consummate professional: careful, mindful of my needs and anxieties, gentle, and always good-humored. As his practice has grown over the years he never lost the personal touch that made dental visits nonthreatening and, believe it or not, often fun. I'm genuinely fond of the entire staff, especially my wonderful hygienist Becky. Everyone is friendly, thoroughly professional and welcoming.




    I have been treated by Dr Thomas Stein for over 20 years, His work is and has been always impeccable. Dr Stein is surrounded with a great staff. I live part time in CA but still have my dental work at Dr Stein when I get back to this area, this should tell you the quality of his work, years after years. Patrick R Washingtonville NY

  • Maryanne Vitiello

    Maryanne Vitiello


    I have a long-time fear of the dentist. No, I mean it, a truly horrible fear. Well, not anymore. Dr. Stein is amazing. No pain at all. He take his time and makes sure you are as comfortable as possible. I would recommend him to anyone! He truly has changed the way I feel about dentists! His staff are all very professional and kind.

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