Coronado Apartments w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneCoronado Apartments



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7414, East Grand Avenue, 75214, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-328-2877
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.808354, Longitude: -96.730224

komentarze 5

  • Ruby R Rose

    Ruby R Rose


    Very nice apartments, I lived here a little over a year and all I have is POSITIVE things about this place and the office staff, they treat you like family. . I do so recommend this place, prices are pretty decent and the area is nice, the units itself and very nice and very spacious. Sad I had to leave.. ♥♥

  • Spanky McGillicutty

    Spanky McGillicutty


    I wish 611 would leave. they have loud Spanish church services where they wail and scream. then they play bass guitar past 10pm. they own a pick up truck that is so loud it rattles all the walls. i wish unpleasant things upon them.

  • en

    Jose J-H


    Mmmm seem ok apartments, I give it a 4 stars for the pool!!

  • en

    Stephanie Rodriguez


    I've been a resident at Coronado since 2011 and about renew my contract again. I like the property, how clean it is and how well kept it is. It's quiet and everyone is friendly. The ladies in the office have always helped me out in anything I need and the maintenance men are super nice too. Requests are done in a timely matter. It's close to my kids schools and my job location. I love it here, thank you Coronado apartments.

  • Luis N Diana

    Luis N Diana


    We like the location. Close to Downtown Dallas and close to Mesquite. Your close to the lake and a lot of places to eat. The trail is not to far to access They don't have access from the complex but its not to far to get on the trail. The ladies in the office are nice and helpful. The maintenance guy is nice and friendly. Its so easy to pay your rent online and request service maintenance. This place is quite no loud music in parking lot or people drinking in parking lot. Out balcony has a real nice view over 2 big trees. The dart bus stops in front of apartments on both sides of E Grand Ave. The Gates are always working or maintenance will fix it right away. 24 hour Gym make it nice. There is allot of visitor parking but it does fill up at night.

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