Club Café w Boston

Stany ZjednoczoneClub Café



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209, Columbus Avenue, 02116, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-536-0966
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.3484119, Longitude: -71.0723225

komentarze 5

  • Lance Casey

    Lance Casey


    If your visiting, go before 11pm. If your having one of those days where you just need to dance away everything bad and negative going on in your life, this is the place. Fully packed wall to wall people dancing. No concerns over who is who, what is what. Just enjoy. Great bouncer's by what I saw. Very attentive.

  • en

    JAYSON Mccollough


    Wonderful location. Helpful staff. Exceptionally good food and wines. Between four of us we had 10 different dishes all of which were superb. We couldn’t fault it; hope to eat there again and have no hesitation in recommending this first class restaurant.

  • Clementine Hess

    Clementine Hess


    Love this place! Great Tea Dance every Sunday. Some of the best DJing in Boston, and all before my bedtime! Great crowd that wants to dance. Mostly men folks, but ladies show up too! Generally a very safe vibe (as a woman) though there’s often one creep. Still, much better than any straight club

  • Stephanie Janes

    Stephanie Janes


    I've been to Club Cafe for a few shows and dance nights and always think it's a great time. The staff is super friendly and the food and drinks are great. I just tried their Sunday brunch yesterday, and it is plentiful, fresh food. Lots of breakfast and lunch-type options. And a whole dessert TABLE. Yas.

  • Justin Libby

    Justin Libby


    One of the last of Boston's gay night spots. Chill atmosphere, obligatory loud music and televisions playing music videos. Food in the restaurant area is decent enough. The main bar has a good enough selection, though prices are steep. The dance areas in the back and downstairs are small, but I like dancing close to people, so I guess that's a plus? Conveniently located between the Back Bay and the South End, making it easy to stumble into or out of.

najbliższy Bar

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