Cloudlake Dental w Jericho

Stany ZjednoczoneCloudlake Dental



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400, North Broadway, 11753, Jericho, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-992-6340
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7877943, Longitude: -73.5358069

komentarze 5

  • Vicky Eastland

    Vicky Eastland


    Dr. Saggar and his team were excellent! This was the BEST experience I have ever had at the dentist and I'm 50 years old, so this is coming from a lifetime of dentist experiences. The building and facilities were what drew me in and I was just as impressed with Dr. Saggar as I was the building he designed. Everything is clean and streamlined. Most dentist offices I go into are dark and cluttered; the bright, spacious, minimal surroundings put me immediately at ease. Dr. Saggar's equipment is state of the art and his gentle and welcoming personality made the whole experience pleasant. Taylor, his assistant made me feel right at home and as though I was speaking with an old friend. I have 100% confidence that anyone who goes to Dr. Saggar will have a positive experience!

  • en

    Sepi S.


    Very professional Dr. and staff. Minimal wait time and they made sure all my questions are answered and my needs are met. All in all, a great practice!!

  • Laura Lee

    Laura Lee


    As far as first experiences go I highly recommend Cloud Lake Dental! The staff is very friendly, knowledgeable and attentive. I have never had such prompt responses from any practices before! The facility is top notch with a very clean and modern feel, not to mention the advanced equipment. Dr. Saggar is very thorough and takes the time out to explain everything to you. I am happy to have found this practice after moving to Long Island.

  • en

    J. Policarpio


    Cloud Lake Dental is far more than a dental clinic. It is very modern. Dental service is above excellence!

  • Alex Dillon

    Alex Dillon


    Classy, clean environment and professional, courteous staff - definitely a step up from your typical doctors/dentists visit! __ A year later, I'll add an update - I recently had an implant placed by Dr. Saggar. He and his staff were awesome, making sure the whole process went as smoothly as possible. He explained the procedure very clearly, let me know exactly what to expect, and used the latest in surgical techniques and components (I'm also a medical professional and did my homework). Definitely worth the trip out from Manhattan!

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