Peter Blauzvern, DDS, PC w Jericho

Stany ZjednoczonePeter Blauzvern, DDS, PC



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366, North Broadway, 11753, Jericho, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-284-4839
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7818283, Longitude: -73.5329551

komentarze 5

  • en

    Donald Hauk


    Dr Blauzvern, Rory and entire staff are great. I have been a patient for quite some time. For anyone reading this you never have to fear the dentist again.

  • Kelly Tursi

    Kelly Tursi


    Dr. Blauzvern is top of the line! He did my porcelain veneers in 2008 and I have been a loyal patient ever since. I get compliments all the time and they look so natural. He is kind and gentle with his patients. You can tell he genuinely cares about the well being of each patient. The entire office is warm and welcoming. I recommend him to everyone!

  • en

    Deirdre McQuillan


    Dr. Blauzvern has been a very kind, caring, and reliable dentist that my family and I have been using for 15+ years. All of his staff are very friendly and caring as well. I would highly recommend him!

  • en

    Shari Tauber


    Dr. Blauzvern has been treating myself and my family for the past 15 years. He is very gentle, patient and caring. My kids love going to the office to see their favorite dentist. The office is very clean and welcoming. It is very comforting to know that you are in good hands.

  • en

    Noreen Brody


    I have been seeing Dr. Blauzvern and his staff for dental care for over 20 years. In that time, I have been happy with all aspects of my experience there. Dr. Blauzvern has a breadth of knowledge. I like very much that he not only treats dental problems, but he teaches you how to best care for your mouth in order to prevent dental issues and to maintain the health of your mouth. Also, he is very accessible. Recently, I experienced a pain in the joint of my jaw at a time when the office was closed. Dr. Blauzvern came to an understanding of what the problem was and provided instructions on how to treat the problem over the phone. Whatever the necessary procedure, I have complete confidence that the job will be done right. Furthermore, the dental assistants are very careful and thorough. The office staff is friendly and diligent. It is easy to get appointments and they send appointment reminders in the mail which is very helpful. Throughout the years, the attention that I have received has been excellent and I would highly recommend this practice to anyone wanting quality and reliable dental care.

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