Chase Bank i Edgewater

Forenede StaterChase Bank



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950, River Road, 07020, Edgewater, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-969-9629
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8274421, Longitude: -73.9735477

kommentar 5

  • Christina Sgambellone

    Christina Sgambellone


    Walked in with my boyfriend and we were not greeted by any of the workers. It was not even busy. We sat down and waited and still no one asked us what we needed help with. Finally we went up to the counter and found out they couldn’t help us. Terrible customer service... we will not be coming here again. Wish I could rate it no stars.

  • Brad Saltzman

    Brad Saltzman


    After having had a BoA account for the last two years I decided to open up an account with Chase again since I’d had a great experience years prior when I lived in an area where they had locations. This branch in no exception. The staff is very friendly and it’s a very convenient location. I’m glad I’m back to using Chase as my bank.

  • en

    Mira Lee


    Quick and Abraham is really helpful

  • Anthony Ortenzi

    Anthony Ortenzi


    Friendly customer service, 24-hour drive through ATM, Saturday hours.

  • en

    David Won


    Great location, staffs are always friendly and kind. Highly recommend.

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