Capital One Bank i Long Beach

Forenede StaterCapital One Bank



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11, East Park Avenue, 11561, Long Beach, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-431-5390
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5889183, Longitude: -73.6641469

kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Godoy

    Tatiana Godoy


    Carlos very rude and unprofessional

  • Livinio Gioffredi

    Livinio Gioffredi


    Any One had the FEDWIRE Code??

  • William P. Murphy

    William P. Murphy


    I have a Capital One credit card, and I went to the branch to make a $600 cash payment. I use the card often for the cash back rewards, but my credit line is only $1000 so I'm making payments often also. I usually pay using their app, if I can wait till the next day for the funds to be available. The company has a rule that you can only pay up to 110% of your balance online, or within the app. I figured this out since sometimes I have a lot of "pending" charges made recently, which are not yet reflected in the balance. So I may have a low balance, but also not much available credit since pending charges reduce available credit instantly. Anyway, the teller said the 110% rule doesn't apply in the branch, so I was happy, since I wanted to use the card to purchase a laptop for my daughter's graduation. And get the cash back. They told me it can be made available same day by calling customer service, which I had done before. However, when I called, they told me the payment exceeded the 110% of the balance and could not be made available until the next day, partially possibly depending on posting time of my recent pending charges. I was very upset and went back to the branch. The branch manager wasn't there, so I spoke to the gentlemen in charge, and he was very nice, but couldn't help me get the money avaialble on the card, or cancel the payment and give me my cash back. They said it would have had to he cancelled within 10 mins. So obviously now I was even more upset since I was on my own to figure out how to get my daughter's present. Needless to say, I'm looking for a new credit card company.

  • en

    kwei yang


    I am very happy to visit the branch, they make you feel like home, every one is very nice, special the manager is always to go out the way to help every body, I have the 5 stars best rating for the bank.

  • Myron Allis

    Myron Allis


    Staff here are nice and friendly. They always answers my questions and will take the time to sit down with you are find out what your goals are and how they can help you. Yes I know that this is usually a sales pitch to sell you another product however any time I've had an issue with my account they would help me look through all aspects of it and resolve it quickly. I haven't been let down yet!

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