HSBC Bank i Oceanside

Forenede StaterHSBC Bank



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3544, Long Beach Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 800-975-4722
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Latitude: 40.6238286, Longitude: -73.6403398

kommentar 1

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    john wallmuller


    HSBC bank The following is my humble opinion and what I believe: I will never open bank accounts, credit cards etc. with HSBC they are one of the worst banks I have ever dealt with. The online process to open a simple bank account took me about an hour and a half and it’s still not finished I Believe  the bonus of $350 to open a bank account as a bait and switch scam. Calling customer service about five or six times all calls went to the Philippines with people barely speak English and they sound like five in a closet it’s so noisy very unprofessional bank experience I had. What a disgraceful bank I believe.then days later five days later I went to branch to remove my $10,000 they're holding hostage is unbelievable and I got told I can’t take the money out after wasting another hour in the bank with people who blame online banking as the issue. I have wasted several hours on nonsense and on a unprofessional disgraceful banking experience with HSBC. Corporate offices in the UK. I will be filing complaints with the banking commission, negative reviews on social media sites, negative reviews on internet, etc. I have open many banks accounts online and never have such a serious issue and wasted so many hours. WHY HSBC CUSTOMER SERVICE CALLS TO PHILLIPINES AND CANT UNDERSTAND THEIR BROKEN ENGLISH AND SOUND LIKE 5 PEOPLE IN A CLOSET WITH LOTS OF BACKGROUND NOISES?

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