Caffè Nero w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczoneCaffè Nero



🕗 godziny otwarcia

589, Massachusetts Avenue, 02139, Cambridge, Middlesex County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 857-259-6077
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3651357, Longitude: -71.1026733

komentarze 5

  • Christopher LaPointe

    Christopher LaPointe


    Great place to grab a coffee and work or read for a bit. Comfy seating.. sometimes hard to find a place to sit

  • Dylan Halpern

    Dylan Halpern


    Decent coffee, above average food. Honestly, there are better and more interesting options around that are in the same price range. Tea is good though, and it's a decent spot to meet up.

  • en

    Alexandra Foote


    Worst customer service and the coffee wasn’t very good either. Both baristas had attitudes. One told us that she wouldn’t give us regular mugs because there weren’t any seats and she wasn’t going to put it in to go cups after we were not able to get a seat. We actually were able to get seats. We had 5 coffees..all different temperatures including 2 cold cappuccinos. One of the lattes was dielivered dripping in the contents of the drink. They forgot whipped cream on one of the lattes. When we went back to get the whipped cream, we were told that we didn’t order whipped cream...which we did. We went to this place to try something different than Starbucks. What a mistake!

  • Charles Selk

    Charles Selk


    Good coffee, hot chocolate. Nice ambiance. Fireplace, but not smokey. Foods are alright. Don't get the OJ though, it's like they got concentrate from Stop&Shop and repackaged it.

  • Shirley M. Fountain

    Shirley M. Fountain


    Caffè Nero is a great addition to Central Square. My goto "test" drink is a soy chai, and theirs is delicious. Smooth, not too sweet, and just the right temperature. The vegan muffin I had was tasty. The place was pretty full when my friend and I got there at 3pm, but we were able to grab a table after a few minutes. It was not too noisy, we were able to talk to each other without yelling. Go, meet a friend, sit and read or work on your laptop, have a meeting, or just pick up a drink.

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