Cafeteria 15L i Sacramento

Forenede StaterCafeteria 15L



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1116, 15th Street, 95814, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 916-492-1960
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Latitude: 38.5767599, Longitude: -121.4874896

kommentar 5

  • Ruben Golosinsky

    Ruben Golosinsky


    Had a great experience at Cafeteria 15L. Came here for breakfast on Saturday. We were seated quickly, the service was phenomenal and the food came out within 15 min of ordering. Really pleased with the cleanliness and hospitality of this place. Had the Chicken and waffles, absolutely a must try!

  • Kat Kiraly

    Kat Kiraly


    Stopped at Cafeteria 15L for the first time ever today. Wasn't sure it was open when we arrived after 4. It was but for the bar menu only. Tried it and happy we did!! Great small dishes (except for the triple fries- they're huge!). Three restaurants surround a court yard. All 3 owned by same owner. Impressive. Great atmosphere.

  • en

    Jocelyn Raphael


    Got the beet salad, Mac n cheese, and truffle tots. Perfect for two people. The salad was a good balance to the decadent rich Mac n cheese. The wait staff was very friendly and accommodating. One waiter (not even the one assigned to our table) saw me drop my knife on the floor and brought me a clean one without me even asking! The outdoor seating was perfect for a nice Spring day. Would definitely go here again!

  • Betsy Guerrero

    Betsy Guerrero


    It’s very nice restaurant. Trendy vibe. Delicious food. But it’s a bit pricey. The nice part about it is that there’s valet parking right next door. Would probably come back

  • Elizabeth N

    Elizabeth N


    I've liked this place since 2010, but they keep changing the preparation, seasoning, and dressing on the dishes. The seared tuna salad for example has been wildly different every time I order, and nothing beats the first time I had it. They should just figure out the universal recipe for each menu item and get all chefs that work there to commit to it. Also, bring back the lobster roll! Decent meal for the area if you want a quick lunch in an ambience that's good for chit chat. Mac and cheese is okay. Fish and chips is decent. Burger is unspectacular. The basil berry fizz is good.

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