Buchanan Music w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneBuchanan Music



🕗 godziny otwarcia

714, East Brown Road, 85203, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-461-9161
strona internetowej: buchananmusic.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4357482, Longitude: -111.8157626

komentarze 5

  • Tim Shaw

    Tim Shaw


    I really hate to leave a negative review for a locally owned business - but I had a very poor experience here and want to warn anyone else that is considering Buchanan Music for a guitar repair or installation. I brought my new acoustic in to have a strap nut installed. The installation was performed, but the nut was installed at a terrible off-angle, with the result completely crooked. I was totally frustrated by the result. Once the screw has gone into the neck heel, it cannot be 're-done' .. the install is permanent. To their credit, they refunded the installation - but too late to repair the guitar. If a simple strap nut cannot be installed correctly - it does not lend confidence to other work done at this shop, and cannot recommend Buchanan Music.

  • William Maher

    William Maher


    If you love music and instruments Go in and check it out,

  • Beth K. Mathews

    Beth K. Mathews


    Friendly and personable, local, small business. I liked being able to see what I was purchasing. Something we can't do with online purchases. For me, it was worth supporting this local store.

  • Sheila Goslee

    Sheila Goslee


    Very professional. I just rented my son his very first instrustment. The staff made the experience very easy.

  • Dr. David Walter Aguado

    Dr. David Walter Aguado


    Great work at affordable prices! I've been to Buchanan Music several times. The techs are great. Friendly service and great quality. Many thanks! Cheers, Dave

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