B.T.J.'s Jungle w West Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneB.T.J.'s Jungle



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144, Sunrise Highway, 11795, West Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-587-8191
strona internetowej: www.btjjungle.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7185558, Longitude: -73.3077382

komentarze 5

  • Basiil



    They have a lot of different animals for good prices but the fish/fish water that they use has had a bad ich problem for a while now and killed at least half of the fish in my tank three times. I came back a few times(a year or so apart each) because i thougut the ich would be gone and they had the exact fish i wanted for a good price but each time they had terrible ich that was not visible at the time of purchase. I spent so much money on ich treatments and so muxh time on water changes but nothing helped. The same thing also happened to my friend to a lesser degree and only once though so i would be careful with the fish.

  • James Smyth

    James Smyth


    This fish/pet store looks a bit disheveled both from the outside and once you get in. The inside is crowded to accommodate the selection of products and pets they offer. The staff is a bit quirky. But overall, the place is has great selection and great prices. I frequent this place and they have yet to let me down.

  • Elizabeth Ortiz

    Elizabeth Ortiz


    I love that there are so many pets to choose from. I walked in and automatically wanted to go home with one of their little piggies. Great place, friendly and knowledgeable staff.

  • Joseph DeLora

    Joseph DeLora


    Nice exotic pet store. Kept clean and workers seam to care about the animals. They try to keep people on staff that are knowledgeable about the animals in there department. Bought 2 canaries a year ago. The female is nesting and about to lay her first eggs.

  • Brittany B

    Brittany B


    Has a large variety of fish and fish tank accessories. Many varieties of other pets as well including exotic animals. Normally no dogs or cats for sale but do have supplies for them. We got a sugar glider from here. Staff is knowledgable and friendly. We continue to go back for pet supplies for all our animals(dogs,cats, snake and of course our sugar glider).

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