Bruegger's Bagels w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneBruegger's Bagels



🕗 godziny otwarcia

818, North Quincy Street, 22203, Arlington, Arlington County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 703-248-0980
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8801156, Longitude: -77.1077477

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ghada Ibrahim


    i don't recommend it. It's the worst place you can go, unprofessional staff with attitude. i was there with my husband the staff were unfriendly and not welcoming, they look like they had a fight, they have no knowledge on how to use the register and they no nothing about prices, hygiene is poor ,managing is poor too , i don't know why they still opening . deserve no star ,,,,,,zero star

  • Chris Stout

    Chris Stout


    Quick service, coffee isn't anything to brag about and the breakfast sandwiches aren't too great. My recommendation would be to just get a bagel and shmear

  • Sam Odle

    Sam Odle


    Bruegger’s is my go-to when I crave coffee and a breakfast bagel and don’t feel too adventurous (sausage egg & cheese on jalapeño cheddar 💯🔥👍). Service is fast and friendly, coffee is good, restrooms are clean. Only complaints are with pricing (almost $10 for coffee + bagel feels high) and I’m not a fan of their newer specialty sandwiches. But those are chain level issues - this franchise is fantastic!

  • en

    Theresa SJ


    I love this place! Hard working and friendly staff who remember regulars like me. The bagels are really good (especially when hot) and they have excellent coffee. So glad to have this location in Arlington.

  • Graham Crannell

    Graham Crannell


    Not bad. A bit pricey for the breakfast sandwiches. The skin on my bagel was not very well developed. They say "classic NY" style, but it doesn't seem like they boil the bagels. Maybe I just got a dud. I'll probably give it a second shot, but I'll just get a bagel instead of a whole sandwich.

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